Digital Deepak Internship Assignment- 2

Rahul kumar koushik
5 min readOct 17, 2020

Building a Customer Avatar

The best way to improve our skills is to Learn, Apply, and Teach.


Marketing is all about building trust in customers and the audience. A good marketer is one who has good communication and conversation skills. One must talk to customers like we talk to our friends. It builds trust in them.

If we cannot converse well in 1:1, then we can never do with 1: Many.

We must be Authentic to converse better. Being authentic means to real and talk facts, people don't like long walks or fake buildups. One must always accept his/her own flaws and negatives of life and be ok with them. No one is perfect, everyone has rough edges. If you admit them, people connect easily.

Who is a Better Marketer?

Being a better marketer is all about connecting different things with one, the person who has more life experience than just having a college education or by reading marketing-related books or just completing online or offline courses. One must travel more often, do new things, always meet new people, learn their type of minds, demands of products . one must learn new languages always. Languages break the big barriers for marketers, he can reach more people with more effective mode.

Try doing new things in life every day. We often hesitate to do new things in thinking of consequences but to gain life experience we must not hesitate to do new things. One must be open-minded and flexible to be a good marketer. Never stick to one thing or belief strongly, it won't allow you to grow as a marketer or even as a person.

Who is your audience?

Everyone is not your audience, if you target everyone then you will never build your audience. You need to target a particular audience you need for your product. Try reaching out to them through emails, social media, or online surveys.

How to define your target audience?

We can target audiences by using Demographics and Psychographics. Write to one single customer at a time. Connect to them with 1:1 communication. Use as simple language as you can. Join the mental conversations with people. It means starting a conversation which the person already has in his mind.

Marketing communication must be as simple as possible. Don't show your vocabulary skills to people, they might not get you or lose interest in your talk. Talk simple, don't elaborate your talk, keep it simple as you can.

First, know the target audience and focus on the center, not on just the border. If you just focus on the border you may not build a large audience, you keep losing them often but if you focus on the center you will get a permanent audience forever. Email and messages are powerful than social media to build your audience.

Writing to your audience

Address by their name first and write it like you are writing to your friend, use relevant sentences.

Write such a way that the audience must get impressed by the headline and it should encourage them to 1st line and next and next and goes on. Use simple and effective languages. The weakest link in the chain is the strength of the chain so if there is one or two-week sentences in your articles people lose the attention and quit reading. It's all about talking less and saying more.

Law of large numbers

The Law of large numbers is very important for marketing, it's all about predicting the outcome of random events for reasonable accuracy when we have large numbers included.

Read this article Law of large numbers for complete clarity on it.

Building a customer avatar

We can use various platforms on the internet to conduct our survey to build customers for our product.

Google form is often used to conduct surveys.

Create a survey with questions to get your answers to develop your product and also ask relative questions, try contacting and connecting them through email, social media, or call certain people who look good for the development of your product. Take feedback from them. Write a blog or email by keeping their problems or suggestions in mind and post it and develop yourself. Create different customer avatars for different types of audiences like for different ages, genders, groups, professionals, students, and others. It helps in building your own tribe and understanding different opinions of people.


Learning is a never-ending aspect of life. Awkwardness is an indicator of learning. It is the indicator of changing your belief system and perceptions. It challenges the existing situations. It challenges what you think you know and it opens new perceptions. Get comfortable with awkwardness. When we try doing new things we may get uncomfortable with it but if go and do it we will learn. Break some patterns and beliefs and start enjoying new things. A new path in a neural network is what you need.


Marketing is the process of interesting potential customers and clients in your products and/or services. The keyword in this marketing definition is “process”; marketing involves researching, promoting, selling, and distributing your products or services.

It’s a huge topic, which is why there are tomes written on marketing, and why you can take a four-year marketing degree. But essentially marketing involves everything you do to get your potential customers and your product or service together.

